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Change in Traditional Change Management

The Leadership Institute

Photo by Ross Findon

Given the pace of business today, it is no shock that manageable change feels ludicrous and change is constantly changing. However, the need to produce results rapidly and feasibly by businesses remains despite the shifting setting of business organisations and the way by which we should consider about change.

So what are the movements that are reshaping corporate change?

Here are three such shifts that are causing this redesigning :

Change is Constant

Change is constant and continuously quickening. On average, employees experience three significant changes yearly in contrast to earlier years and it is highly anticipated that up to 75% associations will experience more changes in the upcoming years. Having the option to lead through change is not a discretionary expertise. In order to survive in the industry, the capacity to effectively oversee changes is highly a required skill companies are looking out for. Resilience, commitment, influential are some qualities found in the right leader.

Digitalizing from Analog World

The changes offered by the challenges and possible outcomes are reshaped by innovations that are advancing. Innovations like Artificial Intelligence are rooting an extensive evaluation in industries as they change the way workforce requirements are in the current day and age. Using AI allows a reduction in costs and time taken to deliver results. Due to this, there has been an increasing loss of jobs for human workforce. In order to refrain such situations, companies must adopt the habit of retraining employees with new skills constantly. In a study done two years back by IBM, it was reported that 63% of survey participants agreed that a lack of specialised skills was the boundary to AI execution. This resulted in companies constructing habits like persistent learning. These organizations centre around creating propelled specialised skills and human aptitudes to go along with them.

However, despite being a digitalised world, humans are sceptical with entrusting AI to perform high hazard assignments. Though majority of business choices are made by machines, trust has not been constructed between humans and machines as humans are less willing to accept when there is a difference in opinions.

Shifting from Fixed to Flexible

Expectations are changing as younger people make up half of the workforce. The very idea of the workforce is evolving. Despite the substantially adaptable workforce, human instinct and job stability are two conditions that remains unchanged. With increased vulnerability, workplace culture and organization’s objectives are the sole factors to determine these conditions. Studies report that job fulfilment and feeling important in the workplace makes these employees stick on to their companies longer compared to other factors.

The purview of these three factors is colossal and we should acclimate to a future whereby change should not be managed but rather embraced.


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